Nathalie Villeneuve is a well-loved author and a talented artist who lives in Meriden, CT. She is also a woman who, like so many of us, is affected by recurring negative thoughts and emotions that have deeply affected her ability to maintain her emotional well-being. Determined to pave the way for a clearer understanding of her emotional landscape and to help others do the same, Nathalie has written several books that teach readers how to center, connect, identify, reflect and confront their emotions and embrace the strong correlation between artistic expression and emotional health.
Nathalie learned about TriCircle through her friendship with Dana Brinker- Simjouw, who is a certified yoga instructor, a firm believer in holistic healing and also a generous supporter of TriCircle. Together, their passion has evolved into the creation of Harmony Within. This incredible opportunity is being brought to our SMART Recovery meetings, offering a unique form of healing that is beneficial, relaxing, sustainable and transformative at no charge to participants.
Her artistic expression is primarily shared in the form of beautiful watercolor paintings that have no lines and no defined edges. Perhaps this style represents Nathalie’s belief in unity consciousness and the fact that our emotions should not be caged and contained, but rather expressed. Her valuable contributions to Harmony Within embody her beliefs and her eagerness to help others. These links will take you to her author’s page where you can find her books and see samples of her beautiful work: Posters Books
Journaling is a very important part of this approach and guides individuals on a unique journey, diving deep into self awareness and creativity. The whole Harmony Within process begins with a moment of quiet reflection, culminates with the beauty of spontaneous creation and ends with a an understanding that paves the way for growth and contributes to a journey toward emotional clarity, balance, and well-being.
Nathalie states that, “By focusing on our positive emotions and delving deep enough to notice their nuances, we create a reservoir of pleasant memories and sensations that strengthen our emotional foundations.” She is a staunch proponent of the scientifically proven benefits of artistic expression.
Recently, Nathalie’s family has been impacted by a tragic event related to addiction. A person closely connected to her family living in California lost a best friend and mentor to an overdose. Two weeks ago, three friends tragically lost their lives due to Fentanyl overdoses while using what they assumed was cocaine. This event serves as a stark reminder of how such tragedies can reach and affect people in various ways, further solidifying Nathalie’s commitment to contributing towards a solution.

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