Giving Back, Selfless Service and the Joy of Sharing!

Giving Back, Selfless Service and the Joy of Sharing!
Recently, while I was preparing to write “The Gratitude List” for the day, I looked at the glossary from one of the many daily meditation books I have, and this month’s newsletter topic became apparent. The meditation is written as follows: “I have been given much in my recovery, and I am deeply grateful for it. I will take joy in being able to share it with others as freely as it was shared with me.” (JFT Dec.15 p365)
No words could have truer meaning for me and also be so supportive of one of the greatest values behind TriCircle’s name. Gratitude is not only a feeling; it is an action word, and both the action and feeling can be shared. I want to leave this world better than I found it. Since I do not have children of my own, I have a bit more flexibility to help other people with their children and loved ones. I have more opportunity to dream big and to create what I see as a lasting footprint to leave etched in the sand after I am gone.
I learn something new every day. I continue to see that there are so many cyclical components to life, and, as I continue to move forward on my recovery path, so many more are revealed. From where I stand now, I see one person helping another; I see that connection is the opposite of addiction; I see that we can’t keep what we have unless we give it away; I see the helper and the one being helped…there are two sides to everything. Humility is necessary, not only when asking for help, but it is also needed to remain a true helper. Unity is imperative in order to accept one’s position when creating win-win outcomes. When we allow the ties that bind us together to be stronger than those that may tear us apart…then all is well, yet, another beautiful tenet I learned in recovery.
For evidence of cycles, we need only to turn to nature. Plants expel the oxygen we breathe in, and we give back the carbon dioxide they need to survive. Birth, life, death and the seasons are all cyclical. The three circles pictured in the TriCircle logo represent the three phases of our plan, and the third phase also has three cycles, all of which are full of the parts and pieces needed to build a strong foundation. This foundation will support the creation of a long-term residential program, a safe environment, and the uninterrupted continuum of care individuals need to thrive in life.
If I have learned anything in my 26 years in recovery, it is that I am not alone. Giving back by sharing my lived experience is healing and inspiring and helps me maintain a healthy sense of self while serving those who are placed on my path. I remember and cherish, with great appreciation and respect, every single person who has challenged me and shared their experiences, their love and their life with me along the way. I honor all of them as I look forward with great anticipation and excitement to the many who are yet to come.
We are all co-creators on this journey, and, as our dreams continue to take shape, so many are working diligently and selflessly toward full implementation of our three-phase plan. TriCircle is lining up the collective components that will support and transform the lives of individuals and families affected by the disease of addiction. We are a force to be reckoned with; we are not going away!
Yes, I have been given so much in my recovery, and I am deeply grateful for it all! I know for sure, what we do makes a difference and, most certainly,
Together WE are Stronger!
(Originally published in the April 2022 TriCircle Newsletter)