Witnessing Beauty in Chaos

Witnessing Beauty in Chaos
We are all familiar with the phrase collateral damage. It is often used in reference to war and refers to injury inflicted on something other than the intended target.
The world of substance use has given the concept of collateral damage a somewhat different meaning. We know substance use disorder is a family disease, but the consequences reach much further than the family unit; they are significant and often destructive to the fabric of all relationships and communities surrounding the individual. There are untold, immeasurable, sometimes tragic ripple effects from a single loved ones drug use that linger in our lives along with the doubts and fears that we inevitably allow to intrude on our innate, boundless and infinite ability to love and forgive that individual. We, as family members and as a society, more often than not, pass judgments based on the doubts and fears. Yet, amid the chaos, there is beauty in even in the deepest of tragedies. If we can somehow transcend the pain of these moments, appreciate the lessons they contain and the wisdom they offer, then we will be fully engaged in our experience here and not take the short time we have for granted.
I have recently had the privilege of traveling to some incredible places. I took in some awesome sights and snapped some breathtaking photos. I was reminded of the unspeakable beauty life holds!! Miracles, big and small, that surround us every minute, even when the chaos of addiction seemingly reigns in our lives. The trials and tragedies of this disease can wreak havoc, create collateral damage and distract us and our loved ones for a time from recognizing and appreciating the wonder of our surroundings. I have learned that if we try hard to focus on and maintain recovery as individuals, family members or a society with a community like TriCircle surrounding us, we can reignite our desires, reawaken our passion and zest for life, and regain our sense of purpose and self-love. Intently focusing on “collateral beauty” and thereby engendering feelings of joy can keep our thoughts vibrating high and on track to create and achieve things beyond our wildest dreams.
As I look around the room at our events, my heart is filled with gratitude for all we have become. I see a collection of wonderful, dedicated people who, through it all, see possibilities and beauty. We gather to celebrate TriCircle’s determination, motivation, and perseverance…to focus on the connections we have made, the hope we have inspired, the lives we have touched and the momentum we have gained. We gathered to witness some of life’s “collateral beauty.”
Editor’s note: If you haven’t seen it yet, you must see the 2016 movie called Collateral Beauty in which a man, retreating from life after a tragedy, questions the universe by writing to Love, Time, and Death. Receiving unexpected answers, he begins to see how these things interlock and how even loss can reveal moments of meaning and beauty.
Together WE are Stronger!
(originally published in TriCircle’s Newsletter in November 2023)