Why are we Hyper-Focused on Grades?
When we consider the concept of success, we seem to immediately gravitate toward the tools we have developed over the years to assess and measure it. The minute we emerge into this amazing world and begin to learn, we are measured, often harshly, against a backdrop of achievements that may or may not have anything to do with our purpose in life or what we are here to offer. Our virtual, life long report card may be full of A’s or D’s, or both.
So many questions arise! Are grades really a fair estimate of who we are? Who is the ultimate judge of our performance? Why do we focus so intently on failure? Does the scale we use to measure success dictate its achievement? Can one man’s A be another man’s D and vice versa? Can we somehow institute a global system of grading that uses the portfolio method, emphasizing a wide array of ways to demonstrate our strengths and gifts?
Ultimately, we all deserve to be happy. Happiness is an inside job, and we should focus our thoughts intently on the things that bring us joy and help us to remember that we are all here for a short time, and we can use whatever we have inside of us to see the good that is all around. We should not allow the world to train us to focus on shortcomings and failures! The only opinion of ourselves that really matters is our own, and, as Dr. Wayne Dyer said, the opinions of others are really none of our business.
Diversity is our strength; it is what makes us thrive. Imagine how boring life would be if we were all exactly the same! Each of us is truly unique, and we come into this life with many varied gifts and talents, ready to dig our hands into the clay, sift and sort through the triumphs and challenges and experience this short stay on the planet to its fullest. We can only hope that when we check out, we leave an impression, make things a little bit better and go out sideways, leaving skid marks! What is your gift, your superpower, your “A+”, and how can you help?
Together WE are Stronger!
(Originally published in the July 2023 TriCircle Newsletter)