TriCircle Memorial Quilt

TriCircle Memorial Quilt

This quilt has been lovingly crafted to create an opportunity for individuals and families to come together to remember and memorialize their loved ones in a supportive and caring environment. TriCircle will display this quilt to the community in an effort to reduce stigma and create meaningful conversations about substance use and the disease of addiction. TriCircle hopes that by putting the faces of those who have died in the forefront, we will reinforce the need to create long term solutions and make the valuable changes necessary to improve the system of care and recovery. TriCircle greatly appreciates the support, participation and contributions made by all those involved in the creation of our first quilt.

This idea was part of a statewide Remembrance Quilt Initiative that was launched in 2017 by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services with resources provided through Connecticut Clearinghouse. This initiative honors loved ones who have died from a substance use disorder and the disease of addiction.

If you are interested in honoring the memory of a loved one who has died due to the disease of addiction, please copy, fill out, and return the necessary forms below. A TriCircle representative will contact you.

TriCircle Remembers!
Memorial Quilt Project

New date coming soon!

Supplies and light refreshments will be provided.

Wallingford Public Library
Lower Level Community Room
200 North Main Street
Wallingford, CT 06492

Together WE are Stronger!