Ana was featured in a Get Found Recovery Podcast on February 26,2021, where she was asked to share her journey.

Get Found Recovery is committed to supporting people who are dealing with substance use disorder (SUD) so they do not feel alone.

“Clearly, our missions align,” Ana said, “because, like TriCircle, Get Found Recovery approaches addiction education from a family perspective, not only focusing on the person with SUD, but also helping to heal the entire family.”

The message of Get Found Recovery reinforces that there’s hope for everyone – no matter how dark it may seem.

Adam and Lindsay, who are the founders of the organization, hope that, in sharing their journey, they can help others surmount some of the challenges they have faced through the years. They are overcoming addiction, together, every day, and, as the TriCircle message demonstrates, Together WE are Stronger!

Listen to the podcast featuring Ana and TriCircle here , and visit Get Found Recovery’s instagram and website.

(Originally posted in TriCircle’s newsletter, April 2021)

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