Celebrate the Good
I have always considered gratitude to be an action word. I stand in awe and appreciation of things great and small. Whether it is a global paradigm shift of epic proportions like COVID19 or the simple sound of a wave crashing on the shore, we are all awestruck at times by the contrasts and synchronicities that shape our experience here. No matter what is happening, beauty surrounds us, and what we focus on grows. We can hold grudges from the past, stress about the future, and repeat self limiting, destructive behaviors, thereby attracting more of the same; or we can live in the present moment, appreciating and learning from every opportunity that is given to us. The choice is ours.
We can choose to embrace the now and, moment by moment, co-create this dance we call life, attract growth, love, abundance, joy, peace and healing, or we can stand stagnant in our self inflicted misery until we wither away. So many of the daily encounters we have guide us to think negatively. With a steady stream of bad news on our TVs and phones, it is a challenge to keep our conversations, thoughts and emotions vibrating high. While it may be a challenge, it is not impossible! If we are cruising along the highway with a lot of speed and begin to veer off the road, the rumble strip is there to remind us to get back on course. So it is with our thoughts – let the rumble strip remind us to celebrate the good, think only of the things that bring joy to our hearts and raise our vibrations!
TriCircle has so much to celebrate. Our calendar is packed with exciting and educational opportunities. Remember, our thoughts become things, so focus on the good, and it will grow! Together WE are Stronger!
(Originally featured in August 2021 Newsletter)