It’s All About Perspective
When we consider the disease of addiction, many things come to mind. Decidedly, our individual perspectives are deeply dependent on our vantage points. Where do we sit? There are so many angles: the rare bystander, looking in from a distance, whose life has fortunately remained untouched; the friend who is aware and helplessly watching a classmate slowly spiral down into darkness, not knowing where to turn for help; the person whose entire life has been taken over and destroyed by their substance use; the mom and dad who are putting together the dreaded photo collage of their daughter’s happier days for her wake and funeral service.
Let’s face it, no matter where we stand, either we are part of the shame, stigma and judgment, or we are part of positive forward motion and solution based thinking. There is rarely a neutral ground.
A harsh comment or a judgmental thought contributes to the former, while compassionate consideration of the many complicated circumstances that lead a person into the captivating, dark and ruthless world of this horrible disease contributes to the latter.
With a keen focus on resources and saving lives, TriCircle continues to move forward. As we collaborate and consider the many ways we can work together to stay focused on the thoughts and actions that create solutions, we will continue to evolve, gaining strength and momentum as we grow. Where do you sit? Together WE are Stronger, so please step up and stick with us!
(Originally published in the June 2023 TriCircle Newsletter)