2025: Focus Forward with Us!

Here we are, two months into 2025 already. Wow, time flies faster with each passing year! We recently completed the recruitment of a brand new Board of Directors and reached many milestones in 2024 and yet, as we continue to grow and evolve, we need more!

Our newsletter is releasing its 50th issue this month and our readership, open rate and click rate has grown! Yet, in order to survive and thrive, we need more. More readers, more dedicated volunteers, and more money just to name a few.

TriCircle is strong and along with our funders, partners and collaborators offers a plethora of services throughout the year that are not readily available elsewhere and are at no cost to participants. Hope & Support and Hope After Loss Group Meetings, SMART Recovery and SMART Recovery Family & Friends Meetings in English and Spanish, fun activities like Setback, Yoga, Meditation, Self Care, and Art Therapy. We host learning seminars and offer certifications and CEUs for lay people and professionals alike. Yet, we have our sights set on so much more!

All of these valuable offerings require time, money and commitment. As we venture headlong into 2025, our emphasis inevitably has to include the recruitment of a chair, co-chair and committee members to serve as volunteers on the TriCircle Fundraising & Events Committee. If you are considering getting more involved or know individuals who might be ideally suited for this opportunity, please review this Chairperson’s Summary for more details and share it freely.

(First published in TriCircle’s newsletter The TriCircle Connection, Issue 50, January 2025)